Despite the ever-increasing amount of self-help information we all have daily access to about how to ‘change our lives for the better’, you’re probably still finding yourself feeling like somehow you’re ‘not enough’ or continually doubting yourself and your decisions, and you are left wondering why you aren’t experiencing your ‘ideal life’, your ‘once-in-a-lifetime relationship’ or the ‘dream job’ that you’ve always imagined you would have. The problem is most likely to be caused by your subconscious beliefs. I’d like to talk to you about an extremely powerful method of getting in touch with and speaking directly to the sub-conscious mind that shows you how to eliminate limiting beliefs and really get to the core of what’s been holding you back from achieving your desires. It’s called PSYCH-K therapy, and it can change your life for the better.
How beliefs affect us
Our beliefs affect our moods, our relationships, our job performance, our self-esteem, and even our health.
It’s more than likely that our limiting beliefs are the cause of self-sabotaging behaviours – the behaviours that keep tripping us up and stop us from moving forward and into the lives we want to create. Our limiting beliefs cause old behavioural patterns to surface and re-surface again and again and again. It is my experience as a health care practitioner (12 years for PSYCH-K, but 30 years if you include TCM) that PSYCH-K is an extremely effective modality for releasing these no longer useful destructive underlying beliefs in a quick and easily to make way for far more beneficial beliefs to take over.

‘The secret of life is BELIEF. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives. PSYCH-K is a set of simple, empowering techniques to change your beliefs and your perceptions that impact your life at a cellular level.’Bruce Lipton, PH.D, Cellular Biologist, author of The Biology of Belief
How Beliefs Work
The subconscious mind is over 95% of the mind, and it’s where we hold all of our beliefs about ourselves, about others, and the way we think the world works. Subconscious beliefs have far reaching consequences, both positive and negative, in every single aspect of our lives. They affect our moods, relationships, job performance, self-esteem, and even our physical health. Neuroscientists now know that most of our thoughts, feelings and actions originate in the subconscious mind, and that it is approximately one million times more powerful than our conscious mind. This is the main reason why the resolutions that we make and the positive thinking that we do with our conscious minds tend not to stick – instead we get derailed by our negative self-sabotaging beliefs, and fall into our destructive behavioural patterns time and time again. It truly explains why the wisdom and knowledge that we possess at the conscious level doesn’t seem to show up in our lives the way that we would like it to.

I often say to people who ask me about this, that “if your life feels like a car being driven with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, then chances are you have a conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious beliefs”. This kind of conflict shows up all the time in your relationships, job performance, self-esteem, prosperity and even your health.
When you create lasting changes at the deeper level of your subconscious mind, you can go beyond the power of intention, affirmations, positive thinking and will-power to create changes that are fast, profound and life-changing. It allows you to finally align your conscious goals and thinking with your subconscious beliefs and therefore eliminate your self-sabotaging behaviours.
More about PSYCH-K Therapy
In a PSYCH-K session, we focus on the positive future you’re moving towards and not the painful past you’re more than ready to leave behind. In other common forms of therapy, there’s a lot of talking about negative past experiences and how they affected you, but there is now strong evidence that constantly revisiting painful events keeps them alive, and continues to trigger the stress and distress time and time again.
You don’t need to dredge up the past or waste time working out WHY things aren’t the way you want them to be. With PSYCH-K, you just need to BE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT and then use the simple, inner-technology tools to align your subconscious programs with your conscious desires to create the results you want.
PSYCH-K differs from hypnosis in that the latter requires a deeply relaxed trance state, whereas PSYCH-K has permission protocols and is a completely organic, collaborative approach between the client and the practitioner, which moves between work at the conscious level in crafting the new beliefs that you want, and the PSYCH-K process that allows the belief to be accepted at by the subconscious mind. It’s a ‘working with’ experience, rather than a passive process in which the client and the process are directed by the practitioner.
Where does PSYCH-K Therapy come from?
PSYCH-K originated in 1988 with Rob Williams, in response to the frustration he experienced when using typical counselling techniques to work with his clients. Those outdated techniques relied heavily on conscious ‘insights’ and ‘motivations’ and seldom created any substantial and lasting changes for the people he was working with. Rob’s frustration with this lack of life changing results eventually inspired him to develop a better way of creating long lasting behavioural changes for his clients by researching and refining a large variety of processes. In his research, he found that a certain combination of contemporary and ancient techniques worked well together and combined those techniques to develop PSYCH-K. He has since found that he gets incredible life changing results when the PSYCH-K method is applied to his clients in both private sessions and business coaching situations.
A PSYCH-K Balance is the process designed to create balanced communication between both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This ‘whole-brain state’ is ideal for reprogramming your subconscious mind with new self-enhancing beliefs that support you instead of the negative beliefs that tend to block or undermine you.

What can I expect?
The process and techniques in PSYCH-K are:
• A non-invasive, interactive process of change
• A simple, yet powerful way to change limiting beliefs that are self-sabotaging
• Derived from scientific research in brain dominance theory as well as ancient
mind/body wisdom
• A process that transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, will
• power, and positive thinking
It’s a powerfully quick and effective technique to release limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours, and align your subconscious programs with your conscious desires and intentions.
PSYCH-K is helpful in addressing the following issues:
• Confidence and self-esteem
• Stress and anxiety
• Meaning and purpose
• Creativity
• Wellbeing
• Habits such as over-eating and smoking
To find out more about PSYCH-K Therapy and how it can help you
Over the years I’ve enjoyed watching the incredible growth and positive changes that have occurred with my PSYCH-K clients, and to see the wonderful life changing benefits that PSCYH-K balances have brought about for them as they step into the full being of who they are ready to be. If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you to identify, change and eliminate the limiting beliefs that are getting in your way so that you can experience the life that you are truly wanting, then please contact me for a free 10 minute phone consultation so we can see what the next step is for you.

Thanks, and have a warm and wonderful day!